Mark Fabian has over 20 years experience working in the water resources and WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene International Development) fields. A native of New Hampshire in the USA and a passionate environmentalist, he grew up with an appreciation for the natural environment - for water in the sky, on the earth, and below the ground. He has worked extensively on parklands projects doing stream restoration and trail maintenance. He spent five years in Ivory Coast and Madagascar designing and implementing potable water and sanitation projects in developing countries. Upon returning to the United States in 2006, he attended graduate school specializing in groundwater and surface water hydrology, lead the design and implementation of water supply projects with Engineers without Borders in Central America. He also worked for several years as a technical expert in WASH throughout the Southern Africa region. He is an experienced hydrologic and water quality computer modeler, and likes to use his technical skills to solve real world problems. Currently Mark is a consultant in hydrologic and sanitation services as well as WASH technical services in the international development industry. He holds a Bachelors degree in Environmental Science, and a Masters degree in Water Resources Engineering and Hydrology. Mark currently is based in the New Hampshire, USA but travels frequently with his wife, Bobby and daughters Sage and Luna. Mark is Fluent in English and French and conversational in Spanish and Malagasy, the language of Madagascar.
View Mark's Curriculum Vitae.
View Mark's Curriculum Vitae.